Shipping warehouse
#1125-2551 No. 6rd, Richmond BC
Direct line: 7788618767 email: info@overlandrec.com
I've always loved camping and getting off the grid. About a decade ago I wanted to buy a roof tent but as I started looking around I was shocked at the prices. It didn't feel right spending more on a RTT than I had spent on my truck. At the time I was working for a distributor and was able to find a manufacturer that was willing to work with me in designing safe, quality, affordable tents. I was so impressed with the product and the quality that I started buying and selling small batches to friends and alike. The response was very positive and this is how Overland Recreational Equipment was born. I'm just a guy with a truck and a tent on the roof trying to help you have a better camping experience. My goal is to provide a quality, affordable roof top tent to get you out there and up there.
– Mike Prangnell, Owner